Invite us to your workplace to receive FREE stretches from our expert stretch therapists!
Research shows that physically active jobs make up less than 20% of the workforce in America. This leaves many employees feeling stiff, sore, and with limited functionality. Working with a Stretch Therapist can reverse many of the changes in the mobility of the soft tissues that have created pain and dysfunction over time. Stretching regularly improves circulation, flexibility, nervous system function, and overall mobility. Movement is the key to preventing and treating many chronic injurie. It is our goal is to help expose as many people as we can to the benefits of assisted stretching.
Invite us to your workplace and we can send a stretch therapist to your local place of business as a one-time event! Our stretch therapist will spend 20 minutes with each employee, stretching and educating them on the importance of movement. There is no cost to this one-time event for your organization. We have set up these events with schools to stretch staff members, financial offices, fitness centers, and more. Please reach out to our lead therapist, Mary Miller, to invite us to your workplace and set up an event for your workplace at 989-341-1070 or wellness@midlandsportsrehab.com.