According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, all pain is due to the blockage of the flow of Blood and Qi. Acupuncture can remove the blockage and eliminates the root cause of the pain. By inserting fine, sterile needles at specific points, it is able to break up blockages that have hampered the smooth flow of Qi. Once this is done, Qi can travel to every cell, tissue, organ and muscle, promoting pain-free health.
Acupuncture is an extremely powerful and effective approach to treat pain because it decreases pain levels and stimulates the body’s healing response. Acupuncture resolves pain by affecting several pathways and healing responses at the same time:
- Raise endorphin levels and diminish the nervous system’s pain response
- Increase circulation to the local area
- Decrease inflammation and swelling
- Relax muscles and stop spasms
For most of acute pain, acupuncture relieves pain in 1-3 treatments and the response of the body to acupuncture for chronic pain may be longer.
Acupuncture relieves acute pain in as little as 1-3 treatments. Relief from chronic pain may take longer as the body responds to treatment.
Digestive Disorder
It is estimated that approximately 62 million Americans experience digestive problems on a regular basis. This can lead to concentration difficulties, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, anemia, muscle cramps, low energy and weight change. People with digestive disorders may suffer from symptoms such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heart burn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and more. Conditions vary and can range from mild to serious. Some common problems include Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcer disease, and irritable bowl syndrome.
The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture as an effective treatment for digestive imbalance as well as a wide range of medical conditions. Acupuncture is effective in treating most digestive disorders including: Bacterial infections, peptic ulcers, heartburn, gastrointestinal tract bleeding, inflammatory conditions, and irritable bowel syndrome.
How Can Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Help Digestive Disorders?
- Increase gastrointestinal muscle contraction and relaxation
- Reduce gastric acid secretion
- Enhance immune system and increase blood circulation in gastrointestinal tract
- Reduce inflammation and abdominal cramping
- Managing chemotherapy medication digestive side effects and digestive symptoms following anesthesia
Traditional Chinese medicine experts believe that acupuncture can help release the block-up of energy flowing in the meridians. As a result, acupuncture aids your organs to correct imbalances in the digestion and absorption process. Combined with Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture can nourish related organs, minimize symptoms and contribute to medication-free digestive system health maintenance.
Approximately 2.5 million American couples suffer from infertility. The cause of infertility can stem from either partner. About 60% of infertility cases are due to female conditions, while 40% are due to male conditions. In either case, it can be extremely difficult mentally and physically. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers hope to couples by establishing harmony within the entire body. Not only does TCM improve the probability of becoming pregnant and having a healthier baby, but it also serves to enhance the function of the whole body. This holistic approach provides the key to unlocking unlimited benefits and healing.
In TCM, it is believed that conception will occur when Yin, Yang, Chi, and Blood in the channels are harmonized. This, in addition to having a peaceful Shen (spirit) and a strong kidney Jing (essence), are the first steps to conception. Together, these aspects are the foundation of overall health and the root of conception. Some causes of infertility include ovulation problems, endometriosis, tubal factor, hormonal imbalance, thin endometrium, irregular periods, poor egg quality, and much more. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine provide a non-invasive, holistic approach to reversing infertility and has a surprising success rate of 65%. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can also be used in combination with Western medical treatments, such as IVF and IUI, to increase the chance of conception. In research, 42% of patients that received both IVF and acupuncture became pregnant. Those who only took part in IVF had a success rate of 26%.
At Midland Sports Rehab, we specialize in the treatment of reproductive enhancement and recognize that every person requires an individualized treatment plan. We thoroughly examine your overall health to pinpoint imbalances , and develop a treatment plan that is appropriate for you.
How Can Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Help infertility?
- Regulates the menstrual cycle
- Increase blood flow improves endometrial lining
- Help produce more follicles
- Improves egg(ova) quality
- Reduces high FSH and high Estradiol(E2)
- Regulates endocrine hormone levels
- Reduces the chance of miscarriage
- Regulates thyroid hormone levels
- Improves immune function and primary metabolism
- Help relief stress, anxiety and depression
- Increase the success rate of IVF and IUI
- Improves sperm count, motility and quality
We believe the reason for acupunctures higher success rates is due to it being a holistic treatment that balances the body’s Chi flow, hormonal system, and encourages the body to support child.
Emotional Well-being
Emotional health has a huge impact on our daily life. There is a mutual relationship between physical health and mental/emotional health. For example, what we eat and how we exercise affects our mood. Additionally, emotional changes can affect internal organs and even result in physical problems. Although emotions are always changing, acupuncture can give your body the support it needs to balance your moods and emotions.
Acupuncture is a natural therapy that addresses the whole person. It is not only used for physical health concerns, but is also very effective at emotional concerns too. Acupuncturists focus on finding out the energy imbalance so they can select special acupuncture points to harmonize the body, mind and spirit.
Research shows that acupuncture treatment is able to stimulate and release endogenous endorphins to relieve pain. In addition, it also can regulate serotonin levels in the brain to calm and uplifted your mood. Studies also indicate that acupuncture relieves stress by encouraging the central nervous system to shift out of sympathetic “fight or flight” mode and into parasympathetic “rest and relax” mode. Resulting in many people feeling relaxed during and after treatment.
According to many clinical experiences, acupuncture is believed to be helpful in the treatment of emotional conditions such as:
- Stress and anxiety
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Withdrawal symptoms during addiction recovery
Smoking Cessation
Most experts agree that quitting smoking is the most important thing you can do for your health because more than 25 diseases are associated with tobacco use. Tobacco also raises the chances of developing emphysema and increases the risks of having a stroke by 30%. Although there is plenty of incentive to quit smoking, it can be very challenging. Luckily, acupuncture has helped millions of people to overcome their addictions and stay smoke-free.
Acupuncture treatment to quit smoking involves the insertion of needles on the ear and body points that are related with the cranial nerve of the central nervous system. This induces the production of endorphins (a brain chemical involved in producing pain relief and pleasure). These agents are believed to block your “pleasure response” to tobacco, stopping addiction and withdrawal syndrome. After just 1 acupuncture treatment, many patients are able to greatly reduce their tobacco usage. However, we recommend a minimum of 3 treatments to ensure the habit of smoking is gone permanently.
There are many benefits to using acupuncture to quit smoking. Aside from addressing the overarching problems that can cause you to smoke, acupuncture can also help restore your bodies systems to a healthy balance. If you are ready to become smoke-free, acupuncture can provide you with the support you need. Acupuncture treatment can also be used to help people recover from drug and alcohol addictions as well.
Acupuncture and Herbs have been used for nearly four thousand years to treat almost every ailment that afflicts mankind. At Midland and Freeland Sports Rehab, our qualified acupuncturist will talk you through your options and get you reaping the results you desire.
Acupuncture is a means of adjusting the life energy (Qi, pronounce: Chi) through the insertion of fine, disposable, sterilized needles into carefully selected acupuncture points along meridians which are the pathway of Qi in the body. This treatment stimulates the flow of energy and remove blockages so that the Qi can be dispersed and regulated. Needling these specific acupuncture points restores the proper balance and flow of Qi, while improving the overall function of your body and enhancing its recuperative power and immunity. Acupuncture treatment works with the natural vital energy inherent within all living things to promote the body’s ability to heal itself. We believe choosing this safe, effective and drug-free modality, you are taking a great step towards achieving a more balanced, harmonized and healthy lifestyle.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Extending back thousands of years, Chinese Medicine offers a rich heritage and history in healthcare and healing. Herbal medicine therapy involves the use of barks, roots, flavors, leaves, seeds, plants and minerals, each having its own specific characteristics. Offering a root-level attack rather than a symptom cover, Chinese Medicine provides an added layer of patient safety. It carries fewer or no side effects, treats the actual cause of illness rather than suppressing the symptoms, and provides a more affordable treatment option.
Step 1: Symptomatic Care
During this stage, your Acupuncturist is concerned with alleviating the symptoms causing you to seek his or her care. Once your symptoms are relieved, you will move on to Step 2, Corrective Care. If this is difficult to understand, think of replenishing an overgrown garden. The first step in cultivating the space is to cut back excess growth and weeds. Your symptoms are very much like the weeds.
Step 2: Corrective Care
In order to restore your health, your Acupuncturist must also determine the underlying cause of your illness, rather than simply addressing the symptoms. This involves a second Evergreen formula uniquely positioned and carefully prescribed to address the root of your concerns. Often, patients enjoy the second treatment phase for two to six months. Continuing the garden analogy, we now must take complete care to remove the weeds from the soil and prepare the soil for new seeds to plant. Using appropriate tools, the roots are extracted, leaving healthy plants and rich earth behind. Step 2 heals what is creating and causing your pain and discomfort, setting the stage for healthy living.
Step 3: Prophylactic Care
The final phase of your care includes Maintenance Therapy. Your Acupuncturist will prescribe tonics and other formulas to keep your immune system strong and healthy, so it will protect the body as it should. The final phase of treatment is ongoing. After all, a relapse is simply unacceptable when such high-quality herbal supplements are so readily available.
In our analogy, this means the soil of our reclaimed garden is fertilized and treated to prevent the return of weeds, while building a healthy foundation to support the growth of beautiful plants and flowers. What this means for you is that your overall health is protected by Chinese herbs, just as the garden is protected and allowed to thrive.
Cupping is an ancient Chinese therapy in which a cup is applied to the skin and the pressure in the cup is reduced (either by heat or suction) in order to draw and hold skin and superficial muscles inside the cup. The practice of cupping has been found to affect the body up to four inches into the tissues, causing tissues to release toxins, activate the lymphatic system, help activate and clear the veins, arteries and capillaries, and activate the skin. This is also a good source of a deep tissue massage as well.
One consideration is that cupping can cause some swelling and bruising on the skin. With the skin under a cup drawn up, local blood vessels will expand. This may result in small, circular bruises on the areas where the cups were applied. Depending on the degree of toxicity in the muscle tissue, treatment will result in either slight reddening of the skin for slight toxicity, or a dark bruise for high toxicity. However, these bruises are typically painless and will disappear within a few days of treatment.
Electro Acupuncture
Electro Acupuncture is a modern tool that expels a low-voltage current in the same frequency range as the human body. Small alligator clips are attached via a wire to a machine. A clip is then attached to a needle after it has been inserted. Lastly, a range is found that is comfortable for the patient but will also produce the desired therapeutic effect.
Electro acupuncture is considered to be especially useful for conditions in which there is an accumulation of Qi, including chronic pain syndromes and instances when Qi is difficult to stimulate. Patients may experience a tingling sensation while being treated with electro acupuncture, which is not necessarily due to the electric current. In most cases, the effect produced by the current is subsational; meaning the tingling sensation will not be felt. Some minor bruising or bleeding may occur, which is the result of a needle hitting small blood vessels. Electro acupuncture should not be used on patients who have a history of seizures, epilepsy, heart disease or strokes, or on patients with pacemakers.
Auricular Acupuncture
Auricular acupuncture is the stimulation of acupuncture points on the external ear surface for the diagnosis and treatment of health conditions rooted in other areas of the body. The ear holds a microsystem of the body, consistent with the brain map discoveries of Canadian neuroscientist Wilder Penfield.
Ear acupuncture is similar to reflexology, and it is speculated that the technique works because groups of pluripotent cells contain information from the whole organism and create regional organization centers. These regional organization centers represent different parts of the body. Thus, stimulation of a reflex point in the ear can relieve symptoms of distant pathology with a reliable duration.
This drawing illustrates the concept of an inverted fetus map on the external ear.
Acupuncture and Herbs have been used for nearly four thousand years to treat almost every ailment that afflicts mankind. At Midland and Freeland Sports Rehab, our qualified acupuncturist will talk through your options and craft a personalized treatment plan.